Начало НовиниАнализиСъбития„Енергийна и климатична дипломация“ 2023

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„Енергийна и климатична дипломация“ 2023

„Енергийна и климатична дипломация“ 2023

Днес в Дома на Европа, София, беше официално представено осмото издание на сборника „Енергийна и климатична дипломация“. Председателят на УС на Института за енергиен мениджмънт Славчо Нейков е главен редактор на сборника за поредна година. В тазгодишното издание можете да прочетете:

  1. 2022-2023 – Unprecedented Energy Changes Well Beyond the Expectations, Introduction to the Edition by Slavtcho Neykov
  2. The RePowerEU Plan and Energy Security in Southeast Europe, Alexios-Marios Lyberopoulos, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Bulgaria
  3. A New Balance of Power – Europe’s Energy Transition amid Geopolitical Upheaval, Kristian Ruby, Secretary General at Eurelectric
  4. The Way from the Energy Union Framework Strategy to the RePowerEU Plan, Zinaida Zlatanova, Liberal Institute for Political Analyses
  5. EU’s Energy and Climate Policies at a Time of Adverse Geopolitics, Peter Poptchev, PhD, Ambassador (Rtd.)
  6. Head of Net Zero Foundation – International Climate Network Oil Markets After the Invasion of Ukraine: Moving Towards Strategic Competition, Irina Patrahau and Lucia van Geuns, The Hague Center for Strategic Studies (HCSS)
  7. Loss & Damage Finance and Mitigation Pledges: Priorities for Climate Diplomacy in 2023, Marian Feist, PhD and Oliver Geden, PhD, Hertie School’s Centre for Sustainability and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
  8. The Impact of the Energy Transition and the Global Energy Crisis on EU Technology Leadership Policy, Yanko Yanakiev, PhD
  9. On the Fossil Gas Future of the European Energy Mix, Svetoslav Ivanov, CEO of Overgas Inc. AD
  10. The Arduous Path of Decarbonisation in Southeast Europe, Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director of the Institute of Energy for South – East Europe (IENE)
  11. Elements of Cooperation in the Common Policy to Guarantee the Energy Security of the Region of southeast Europe and the example of Bulgaria and Romania, Chief Assistant Professor Ivo Tsekov, PhD
  12. Energy Modelling of the Electricity System of Bulgaria and the Green Deal Goals – an Update of the Story, Lyubomira Gancheva, Energy expert
  13. Geopolitical Projections on the European Electricity Market and their Bulgarian Dimensions, Nedko Kosev, PhD Student
  14. From Politics to Practice: The Critical Role of Human Capital in Achieving the Renewable Energy Transformation,
    Veselin Todorov, PhD, Eng., Chairman of the Solar Academy Bulgaria Association
  15. Identifying the Links between Policy and Prosumers: Why is Transformation Late and What Led to This Crisis?, Lyubomir Grozdanov, Business Development expert at the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX)

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