Bulgarian regulator equipped by new AI tool against market abuse Read More »
New opportunity for connection under temporary grid access scheme Read More »
Call for papers in the journal “Energy and Climate Diplomacy” Read More »
EU managed to meet it’s ‘winter’ gas savings target Read More »
Diana Stoyanova has over 10 years of experience in the energy sector in various positions in the public communication teams of the State Agency for Energy and Energy Resources, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy, the National Electricity Company and the investment enterprise for the design and construction of the Belene NPP.
Diyana joined the team of the Energy Management Institute at the end of 2012, shortly after its establishment.
She holds a Master’s degree in Philology and a Master’s degree in Economics and Management of Public Resources from the University of Sofia. She has a post-graduate qualification in Sustainable Investment and Finance.
Kaloyan Staykov has been appointed Chairman of the Board of the Energy Management Institute (EMI) with effect from 1 December 2024.
Kaloyan is a recognised economist with extensive expertise in public finance, economic policy and the energy sector. For the past two years, he held the position of Chief Economist at the EMI, developing analysis and strategies for sustainable energy and public policy. Prior to joining EMI, he worked at the Institute for Market Economics (IME) and the Center for Economic Development, focusing on fiscal policy, social security, energy, health care and public budgeting.
He is part of a group of experts and economists who have been pushing for years for increased competition in the energy sector towards its full liberalization. He is the author of a number of publications and analyzes in this direction, including: “Integration of electricity producers with long-term contracts on the market” and “Regulatory policy in the electricity sector in 2013 – contrary to regulations and common sense.”
He is part of the author’s team, which prepared the book Anatomy of the Crisis, published in 2015, with a focus on the development of the public finances during and after the economic crisis. In 2017, he was part of the team that prepared the book Flat Tax in Bulgaria: Background, Introduction and Results, with a focus on the policy in the field of corporate taxation. In recent years he has been involved in the preparation and presentation of IME’s annual “Alternative State Budget”.
He is a member, and the vise-chair of the board, of the Bulgarian Macroeconomic Association. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Management in Energy, Infrastructure and Utilities and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Business with Finance Specialization from Amsterdam University, The Netherlands.
Mr. Slavtcho Neykov has more than 30 years non-interrupted experience in the energy sector, including as Secretary General of the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy, Commissioner in the State Energy Regulatory Commission, expert at the Energy Charter Secretariat in Brussels and a Director of the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna. Throughout the years, his area of activities has been linked to international and EU energy law, energy diplomacy and energy policy matters at national, regional and EU level. He was the leader of the Bulgarian negotiation team on Chapter 14 “Energy” during the Bulgarian accession to the EU.
Further to his involvement in national and international institutions, he has been part of the management of energy companies.
Prior to his involvement in the energy sector, he has worked as a state prosecutor and a legal advisor.
His university level education in Bulgaria includes a law degree (Sofia University) and two years postgraduate studies on International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Activities. He also holds Master of Arts in European Integration from the University of Limerick in Ireland.
Since the end of 2014, Mr. Neykov acts as a Chairman of the Board of Managers of the Energy Management Institute ( ).
Mr. Neykov is a member of the Board of Directors of EURELECTRIC. He is also a member of the National Consultative Committee of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute.
Ivanka Dilovska has more than 40 years of extensive experience in energy economy as a key professional in designing, management, monitoring and evaluation of Bulgarian national energy policies and strategies, programmes, projects and environmental impact issues.
She is highly proficient in the field of economic analyses and assessments related to energy, and, in particular, license regimes, pricing and tariffs setting and policy support schemes for power generation.
She has more than 15 year experience in a senior management at the Energy Ministry with the core responsibilities in the elaboration of National Energy Strategies, the models for restructuring and liberalisation of Bulgarian energy sector and in the elaboration of necessary energy primary an secondary legislation, including Energy Law, RES Law and Law on Energy efficiency. She actively participates in the monitoring process for the implementation and development of sectoral energy and environmental programmes at policy level.
Ivanka Dilovska is among the founders and the first Chair of the Management Board of the Energy Management Institute, holding that position from 2010 to 2014.
Jana Georgieva is an economist-analyst with focus on energy policies and sectoral strategies with 20 years of experience in the energy sector. She worked 7 years for the Ministry of energy within departments dealing with restructuring, energy markets design & liberalization, national and EU energy & environmental legislation.
From June 2010, Jana has been part of the team of the Energy Management Institute since its establishment. Her position as a Policy and Research Officer is related to elaboration of analyses, positions and publications on the national and EU energy policies and strategies, the energy and environmental legislation developments and their practical implementation and impact assessment in national, EU and global context. Since 2014 she is a member of EURELECTRIC’s expert structure, actively participating in various committees and working groups.
Весела Катрева е възпитаник на Стопанския факултет на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, където завършва и придобива бакалавърска степен по „Икономика“ и магистърска степен по „Финанси и банково дело“.
Започва трудовия си опит в Министерство на енергетиката през 2001 година като асистент в политическия кабинет на ведомството, а по-късно става част от екипа на Дирекция “Енергийни пазари и преструктуриране“, където участва в изготвяне на анализи, свързани с прилагане на европейските директиви в областта на енергетиката по отношение либерализирането на електроенергийния и газовия пазар, в изготвяне на информация за търговските държавни дружества, необходима на чуждестранните инвеститори и др.
От 2006 до 2011 година е отговорник “Нормативен контрол” в МКБ Юнионбанк (част от групата на BayernLB), чийто задължения включват мониторинг на сделките с ценни книжа, предотвратяване на злоупотреби с вътрешна информация на листвани компании, конфликти на интереси, опазване на търговската тайна на клиентите и превенция на изтичане на конфиденциална информация.
От 2011 година до момента е част от екипа на Института за енергиен мениджмънт с основни отговорности в областите енергийна статистика, климатични промени, енергийна ефективност, енергийни пазари и др. През 2014 става член на работна група “Климатични промени и декарбонизация” в Евролектрик.