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New opportunity for connection under temporary grid access scheme

New opportunity for connection under temporary grid access scheme

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission adopted a decision approving amendments and additions to Ordinance No. 6 of 24 February 2014 on the connection of producers and customers of electricity to the transmission or distribution grids.

Following the entry into force of the amendments to the Energy Act adopted at the beginning of 2023, Electricity System Operator (ESO) has received a large number of requests from customers and producers of electricity for connection of their sites under a temporary access scheme. This calls for an urgent need to regulate the conditions and procedure for such connection at sub-legislative level.

The adopted amendments to Ordinance No. 6 establish a legal framework for connection under a temporary access scheme to the electricity grid and regulate the basic rights and obligations of the electricity grid operator, customers and producers. The new texts are in line with the adopted legal amendments, according to which the transmission system operator is obliged to offer connection under a temporary access scheme in the order of receipt of requests from customers/producers. The time limits within which ESO  shall agree on the conditions for connection to the relevant electricity distribution network are also regulated.

The regulator’s analysis shows that the connection of new power generation facilities is expected to increase the amount of energy traded on the organised exchange market and create conditions for achieving more favourable prices. In addition, the connection under a temporary access scheme will also lead to a more efficient use of the capacity of the electricity transmission network.

The main objective of the changes proposed by the EWRC to Regulation No 6 is to reduce the administrative burden for participants in the connection procedures and to regulate a temporary access scheme to the electricity grid. The regulator’s aim is to create clear rules and order regarding the whole process“, said the Chairman of the Commission Assoc. Ivan Ivanov at the public hearing.

Source: EWRC

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