Eurelectric and the European Heat Pump Association
The Office, Brussels – Rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Bruxelles
9:00 AM
The low-carbon economy roadmap of the European Commission aims at cutting EU greenhouse gas emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The Commission calls on all sectors to contribute to this target: from agriculture to industrial processes, as well as transport and heating (especially in buildings).
The power sector is committed to become carbon-neutral well before 2050 to enable other sectors to decarbonise. An economy where 60% of final energy consumption is coming directly from decarbonised electricity would allow us to cut EU emissions by 80-95% between now and 2050 (Eurelectric Decarbonisation Pathways’ study, 2018).
Energy efficiency is a key driver of emission reductions in the residential sector. In addition to efforts needed to improve the efficiency of a building envelope, 45% to 63% of buildings energy consumption could be electric in 2050 driven by the adoption of electric heat pumps. This also opens the door for increasing use of demand side flexibility.
Digitalised solutions and smart charging operations will allow people to manage their energy consumption efficiently while mitigating the effects of increasing RES penetration. Loads from EVs and heat pumps are large enough to play a significant role in flexibility schemes in the coming years.
Eurelectric and the European Heat Pump Association will discuss the potential of efficient and smart electrification of heating in the building sector and what to do to get us there from now until 2050.
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